Best Resources To Learn Physics

It is crucial to remember that, even while learning in a classroom, no one can learn a subject very effectively without a book. It is important to choose a good book to read that will aid in both exam preparation and the development of concepts that will benefit future employment opportunities.

Below is a list of significant physics books. These two websites allow you to download electronic versions of some of the books: (i); (ii) . All books are quite helpful; however, some books are especially helpful for clearing different entrance exams. For the JAM and NET, GATE, and JEST exams preparation, books indicated with an asterisk (*) and a ampersand sign (&) must be read.

Mathematical Physics:

Full syllabus:

  1. &Arfken and Weber, Mathematical methods for physicists.

  2. *M. L. Boas, Mathematical methods in the physical sciences.

  3. Donald McQuarrie, Mathematical methods for scientists and engineers.

  4. Riley, Hobson, and Bence, Mathematical methods for physics and engineering.

  5. *H K Dass, Mathematical Physics.


  1. *M. Spiegel (Schaum series), Vector analysis.

  2. &M. Spiegel (Schaum series), Complex variables.

  3. A. W. Joshi, Matrices and tensors in physics.

  4. Brown and Churchill, Complex variables and applications.

  5. &S.L.Ross, Differential equations.

  6. G. Simmons, Differential equations with applications and historical notes.

  7. D.G.Zill, Differential equations with boundary value problems.

Classical Mechanics-1(Newtonian Mechanics):

  1. *Kleppner and Kolenkow, An introduction to mechanics.

  2. Takwale and Puranik, Introduction to classical mechanics.

  3. *D. P. Ray Chaudhury and S. N. Maity, Classical mechanics and General properties of matter.

  4. A. B. Gupta, Classical mechanics and General properties of matter.

Classical Mechanics-2(Lagrangian and Hamiltonian):

  1. &H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics

  2. Thornton and Marion, Classical Dynamics of particles and system

  3. Takwale and Puranik, Introduction to classical mechanics.

  4. &J.C. Upadhyaya, Classical mechanics.

Electricity and Magnetism (Electromagnetism):

  1. *Mahajan and Choudhury, Electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic theory.

  2. *B. Ghosh, Foundations of electricity and magnetism.

  3. *D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to electrodynamics.

  4. Edward Purcell, Electricity and magnetism.

  5. J. D. Jackson, Classical electrodynamics.

  6. Schaum series, Electrical circuits.

Waves and oscillations:

  1. H.J. Pain, The physics of vibrations and waves.

  2. *N. Bajaj, The physics of waves and oscillations.

  3. Brijlal and Subrahmanyam, Waves and oscillations.


  1. *A. Ghatak, Optics.

  2. E. Hect, Optics.

  3. Jenkins and White, Fundamentals of optics.

  4. Brijlal and Subhramaniam, Optics.

Heat and Thermodynamics (Thermal physics):

  1. *Garg, Bansal, and Ghosh, Thermal physics.

  2. Zemansky, Heat, and thermodynamics.

  3. &Sears and Sallinger, Thermodynamics, kinetic theory, and statistical thermodynamics.


  1. *B Ghosh, Electronics.

  2. Chattopadhyay and Rakshit, Electronics fundamentals and applications

  3. Millman and Halkias, Integrated electronics.

  4. *Boylestad and Nashelsky, Electronics devices, and circuit theory.

  5. T. Floyd, Electronic devices.

  6. Malvino and Leach, Digital principles and applications.

  7. *R P Jain, Modern digital electronics.

  8. A. K. Maini, Digital electronics.

Modern Physics:

  1. *Arthur Beiser, Concepts of modern physics.

  2. R. A. Serway, Modern physics

  3. Eisberg and Resnick, Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and particles.

Quantum Mechanics

  1. *H. C. Verma, Quantum physics.

  2. *Mahish C. Jain, Quantum mechanics: A textbook for undergraduates.

  3. A. Ghatak, Quantum mechanics, theory and applications.

  4. Mathews and Venkatesan, Quantum mechanics.

  5. &Griffith, Quantum mechanics.

  6. &N. Zettili, Quantum mechanics concepts, and applications.

Statistical Mechanics:

  1. &R.K. Pathria, Statistical mechanics.

  2. Reif, Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics.

  3. &U. Nandi, Statistical Mechanics, Theory, Problems, and Solutions

Solid State Physics:

  1. *Puri and Babbar, Solid state physics.

  2. &C. Kittel, Introduction to solid state physics.

  3. Ali Omar, Elementary solid-state physics.

  4. Ashcroft and Mermin, Solid state physics.

  5. M. A. Wahab, Solid state physics.

  6. &A. J. Dekker, Solid State Physics

Atomic and Molecular physics:

  1. *Raj Kumar, Atomic, and molecular spectra, LASER.

  2. &Banwell and McCASH, Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy.

Nuclear and Particle Physics:

  1. *S. B. Patel, Nuclear physics and introduction.

  2. &K. S. Krane, Introductory nuclear physics.

  3. B. L. Cohen, Concepts of nuclear physics.

  4. D. Griffiths, Introduction to elementary particles.

Numerical methods:

  1. R.K. Gupta, Numerical methods fundamentals and applications.

  2. S S Sastry, Introductory methods of numerical analysis.

  3. Jain, Iyenagar and Jain, Numerical methods for scientific and engineering computation.

  4. S. C. Chapra, Numerical methods for engineers.

Books for Problems and Solutions:

  1. &Y. K. Lim series: Problems and solutions of electromagnetism, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, mechanics, quantum mechanics, nuclear and particle physics. (PG).

  2. Alvin Halpern (Schaum series), 3000 solved problems in physics.

  3. M. A. Wahab, Numerical problems in solid state physics.

  4. Ahmad Kamal, 1000 solved problems in classical physics.

  5. Ahmad Kamal, 1000 solved problems in modern physics.

  6. Sidney Cahn, A guide to physics problems parts 1 and 2.

  7. *G. Aruldhas, 500 problems with solutions in quantum mechanics.

  8. &M. A. Wahab, Solid state physics problems and solutions.

  9. Ken Riley, Physics problems for aspiring physical scientists and engineers.

Series Books:

  1. Berkeley physics course: Mechanics, Waves, Electricity and Magnetism, Quantum mechanics, Statistical physics.

  2. Schaum Series: Theoretical mechanics, Vector analysis, Complex variables, Electromagnetics, Modern physics, Quantum mechanics, Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform.

  3. Walter Greiner: Classical mechanics, Classical electrodynamics, Thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics, Quantum mechanics, Nuclear models.

  4. Landau and Lifshitz: General Physics, Mechanics, Statistical mechanics, Electrodynamics of continuous media, Quantum mechanics, Fluid mechanics, Theory of elasticity.

In addition to books, there are several significant YouTube videos of well-known physics teachers that can aid in your understanding of the subject.

  1. Mathematical Physics:

(a) Prof. V. Balakrishnan, IIT Madras.

  1. Classical Mechanics:

(a) Prof. Charudutt Kadolkar, IIT Guwahati.

(b) Prof. V. Balakrishnan, IIT Madras.

(c) Prof. Leonard Susskind, Stanford Institute of Theoretical Physics

  1. Electromagnetism:

(a) Prof. H. C. Verma, IIT Kanpur

(b) Prof. Ramamurti Shankar, Yale University.

(c) Prof. Walter Lewin, MIT.

  1. Quantum Mechanics:

(a) Prof. V. Balakrishnan, IIT Madras.

(b) Prof. H. C. Verma, IIT Kanpur.

  1. Statistical Mechanics:

(a) Prof. Leonard Susskind, Stanford Institute of Theoretical Physics.

(b) Prof. V. Balakrishnan, IIT Madras.

(b) Prof. V. Balakrishnan, IIT Madras